Rebecca Cadena, R.A.
Owner & Architect
Rebecca is the third generation owner of Schickel Design. She graduated with a Bachelor’s of History from the University of Chicago. Following her time in Chicago, she moved to New York and received her Master’s in Architecture from the City University of New York. Following graduate school, she worked as a project manager at luxury residential architecture firm, Mabbott Seidel, in Manhattan for 4 years. She then moved on to work at Curtis & Ginsberg Architects in New York on larger affordable housing projects. In 2016, she returned to Cincinnati to join the team at Schickel Design. She enjoys navigating her entrepreneurial journey, mothering 2 daughters, and spending time with her husband. The most exciting current event in her life is a new residential development project in the works in Madisonville.
Claire Ross, R.A.
Claire grew up in Philadelphia, NYC, and in the south of France. She received a B.A. in Fine Arts from Bard College in 2011. In 2014, she received an M.Arch from the City University of New York, where she met Rebecca. After graduate school, Claire worked as an architectural designer at MBB architects in New York, where she worked on a diverse range of educational, commercial and historic restoration projects. In 2018, Claire and her husband decided to move to Claire’s childhood hometown of Valbonne in the South of France, in search of a new experience. Since her move to France, Claire has been freelancing at Schickel Design and at a local architecture firm specializing in luxury residential and hotel design. She enjoys spending every free moment she has outdoors—hiking, swimming, snowboarding—or working on her pottery projects.
Clare Rahner
Administrative Assistant
Born and raised in Cincinnati, Clare is a recent addition to the Schickel Design team. A multi-faceted assistant with experience in writing, editing, web content, cooking, overseas nannying, and the semi-professional dance circuit, she plans to continue her education with a masters in English literature next year.

Martha Dorff, AIA
Former Owner, Current Board Member
Martha was the second generation owner of Schickel Design. She is an award-winning architect and artist. She retired in 2019, but is still a key adviser and sounding board for Schickel Design as we move into the future. The most exciting current event in her life is building a new house on 5 acres of land in Loveland! Schickel Design is the architect on the project, and Martha and Rebecca are enjoying working together again. Sign up for our Newsletter to find out more!